To maintain the health and beauty of curl, of course, you can use ready-made products for hair care. However, the beauty of hair is directly affected by the condition of the body. Here we come to the rescue of vitamin complexes. Vitamins can be taken not only inside. They are suitable for use externally, by making masks, directly rubbing the hair roots or add to your shampoo. To this end it is necessary to use vitamins B6, B2, C, PP, B12, A and E (oil) in capsules. Buy them at the pharmacy. In addition to healthy and beautiful hair on men gives the impression of a smell because the hair absorbs the flavors. If you want to always smell quality perfume shop niche perfumes will help you choose high quality and cheap fragrances.
If you need to get rid of dry hair and itching scalp, then hair mask with vitamin E – this is exactly what you will save. You’ll need to make a mixture of vitamins A and E (oil) with lemon juice. Add dimexide, castor and burdock oil (in equal parts), vitamin B6 (a few vials). After mixing, apply the mask on the hair roots, thus, insulate it. Keep takes two hours. This mask is recommended for use during the week twice.
There are other vitamin hair mask. For example, a mask using B5, contributing to the stimulation of metabolic processes, well restore hair structure. If you add a mixture of PP (Nikitenko) and applied to the roots, accelerates hair growth. With the addition of B6 relieves skin irritation and itching eliminates the condition, being treated weakened hair, prevents hair loss. With B12 – strengthens the roots, feeding occurs, it creates hair shiny, well-groomed, and stimulated growth. Adding in shampoo vitamin C (askorbinku), we give Shine to hair, while reducing the negative effects of sls. F linoleic acid combats dryness and flaking of the skin, helping to get rid of dandruff and preventing hair loss. Vitamin D3 will help to eliminate peeling, facilitating the manifestation of psoriasis (applied to the roots). Oil solutions of vitamins A and E play the role of perfect agent to reduce breakage and dryness of hair. Applied to the roots and along the entire length after adding the finished mask
For the purpose of making masks for giving silkiness, Shine, strengthen hair and decrease of hair loss you want to apply one ampoule of vitamin B2, B12, B6. Add one egg, a tablespoon of oils — sea buckthorn, burdock and almond. The egg need a good whisk, add the oils and vitamins contained in ampoules. After mixing the ingredients, apply the mask on your hair length. It is best to cover your head with cellophane and warm. The mask lasts an hour and a half, and then well washed with shampoo.
To hair healthy it is important to take vitamin complex for hair. For example, Doppelherz asset is the vitamins that promote healthier hair and nails. They are available in capsules, the weight at 1150 mg. In one capsule contains oil, which is rich in wheat germ, dry extract of millet (sorghum), calcium –D — Pantothenate or vitamin B5 9 mg, zinc sulphate — 5 mg, pyridoxine or B6, hydrochloride — 1 mg, and the substance is Biotin — 150 mcg. Not good dosage. Drank one capsule a day, and forgot. In addition, the Biotin contained in the composition, is positioned as a “beauty vitamin”, which is the vehicle for the transmission of sulphur. After the full course, you can already see the result. Hair is noticeably stronger.